Our Lady of the Bees sweeter then honey as she pours her blessing unto all those who enter her dominion. She is the Queen of how to be in your own Heart Essence. She teaches us how to live with both the sting and the sweetness of life. Just as each bee knows how to gather the Essence of all the flowers, Our Lady of the Bees teaches us how to gather our life experiences and bring them to the quiet center in our heart to be transformed. Love transforms us. It sweetens our lives and make life worth living. Just as the honey bee gathers the nectar of the flower, it also defends itself with it's sting, only to lose it's life.
Our Lady of the Bees teaches us to travel through the layers of our heart allowing hurtful life experiences to fall away. But to do this one has to allow the ego to die, to be transformed for the great good of the whole this includes the egos opinions, judgments and self-righteousness is surrendered for a bigger transformation. Much how the bees work for the greater good of the hive.
Our Lady of Bees reminds us our duty to protect the Holy Pollinators the Blessed Bees for the future generation can also enjoy Earth's Garden.
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