Our Lady of Milk

There is a story from the Medieval times about Mary feeding the baby Jesus and a few drops of milk fell from her breast on a thistle, leaving an impression of the Madonna's milk on the leaf. This is how milk thistle got its name. The Madonna of the Healing Milk , better known as Our Lady of Leche.  The old paradigm prayed to this Madonna to help new mothers with their flow of milk for breast-feeding.

The Madonna of Healing Milk is an update version of the Holy Mother "holy with a capital W".  This Madonna archetype can  be invoked for adults that never were given the proper nurturing as a child. Some of you may know that the seed of milk thistle. It is a very good liver cleanser.  Ancient Chinese medicine teaches that the liver holds the old emotions of anger. When the liver is cleansed the anger is released and cleared from the system.  I use to use my little Swiss army knife to cut the thorns around the leaf of milk thistle, without the thorns the leaf actually is an edible tender lettuce.

Cutting away the thorns is exactly what one has to do when the inner child still has the residue of negative mothering programing .  These type of pattern gets messy when projected  on a wife, girlfriend or passed down again from mother to daughter.  All one has to do is a little self surgery and clear the thorns of ones unconscious programing.  The Healing Milk of this Madonna is the doorway inside of each one of us. This Madonna arch-type teaches us self-love, self-acceptance and self-care.

The Madonna of Healing Milk heals the inner child,  teaches how to self nurture and allows one to release the old baggage of negative mothering patterns.



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