Herb Robert Flower Essence

Even between cold weather and raindrops I was able to make this flower essence of Herb Robert. It also known in Medieval Sacred Flora as “ sortie de Marie” Mary’s needles, because after the flower the plant creates a two long needles that also looks like a crane, beak thus cranesbill is another name. Yet as a flower essences it helps people to become sensitive and soften to ourselves or soften in the communication with others in delicate situations. Very good for diplomatic exchanges. Maybe we should put it into the water before the next elections. Look to the soft hairs on the plants stem reflects the plant’s sensitivity and those long needles on the plant. We need to communicate in ways with each other without sticking needles into each other is the process. This delicate little plant also can grow in very hard soil which is also a symbol of it's super power of creating break throughs in the communication process. Herb Robert helps us communicate on new levels of intimacy and truly soften our speech and listening to opposing points of view. I was just able to finished this flower essence before a gentle spring rain began to fall, also part of the communcation process, sometimes a few tears need to fall, which I considered good medicine for my flower essence making.
The Latin name is Geranium robertianum, Medival Sacred Flora names: Eifelessenzer German, Epingles de la Vierge Mary's pins French, Unser Herren nagal, French Our Lord's Nails. Thus to over come the nails or pins sticking in our communcation process Herb Robert also known as St. Robert is the go to on the Flower Essence shelf.


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