Ode to Bridget

February 2 marks the quarter holiday between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.  Ireland celebrates this day by honoring Saint Bridget. Saint Bridget was once the Goddess of the British Isles which still bares the root word of her name.

Bridget was the Goddess of the bards, poets, song writers, blacksmiths and craftsmen. She was the muse of muses par excellent. She was the Goddess of Abundance that ensured the her blessing on the last of the winter supplies before the coming of spring. Bridget was the first spark that awakened the seeds under the cold winter ground and the promise that spring would come soon. She was the first sap that rose in the trees. This Goddess turned Saint, was known to increase the supply of milk and butter.  She was the candle flame of the golden beeswax candle that carried the light in the last dark nights of winter. She was the power behind the healer's hands. And her Holy Wells Holy and fresh water springs had the miraculous power to heal.

This time of the year she seem to always bless me and inspire my pen with her poetic words. Thus I give to you the Ode to Bridget.  May all poets, writers, songwriters and healers be inspire, be touched and uplifted by the Goddess herself. 

"The Ode to Bridget."

Bridget of the Candle Flame I honor thee and thy Holy name.

Sparks of Fire hide in the Earth deep in the seed waiting for birth.

Bridget of the Healing Springs I drink of your waters make me clean.

Drops of water seep in the Earth awakens the seed to it's Sacred Worth.

Snowdrop flowers are your crown where you step is Sacred Ground.

Lay your mantle upon this land fill your Power in our Holy Hands.

Join together in a circle of Love bringing down the Power from High Above.

Dancing  in a circle with steps of Light touching the Earth and making it Bright.

Bridget of the Candle Flame I honor thee and thy Holy Name.

By Raylenea

Photo credit to Nan Olsen, Mt Shasta Calif. Who took this picture at Kildare, Ireland. T Photoshop and Blessed Thistle photo credit Raylenea


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