Our Lady Organica
This aspect of the Blessed Mother is Our Lady Organica. She has such an important role in maintaining a healthy life style for our family, our elders, our own bodies and on a bigger scale our enviroment.
I began growing organic gardens in 1970 when the movement began. I was only eighteen years old it was the beginning of the herbal renaissance, the returning to organic gardening and the first year Earth Day was celebrated. It was the year of my first vegetable garden, except maybe growing Indian Corn and tomatoes with my father as a child. It was when I began wild-crafting and learning about herbs for healing . My mother introduced me to the names of wildflowers when I was about 12 years old. But in the 70s it became a passion to learn all the names of wildflowers of the field. This is where I found my groove in life. Later I became one of the first professional organic rose gardeners in Marin County and also spent my time teaching about herbs and leading herb walks.
Now 46 years later, organic living has gone main stream even your bigger grocery stores have an organic vegetable section. But we still have a long way to go. I still feel there is a power in each individual to make good choices. When enough of us collectively make good choices it will force the corporate world to change. If the garden poison remains unsold on the shelves at your local hardware stores you create change. If the sprayed vegetables remain to rot in the grocery stores the chain stores will be force to make the choice the public wants. And if we choose to put our hands in the soil and grow our own food we will understand the wisdom of what a Victory Gardens truly is.
Our Lady Organica brings the Healing Power of organic vegetables, herbs and the beauty of wild flora. Her Healing Mantel holds the Glory of Every Living Thing here on Earth.
What I call Our Lady Organica in France is known as Notre Dame des Tables in the city of Montpellier. She use to be a Black Virgin. She represented the fine food that is found in the South France. This Virgin represented the dark fertile soil where the grains are grown to make the finest of bread, olive trees, the best of vineyards grew were all a part of her table. But an angry mob raided the church and destroyed this icon during the French Revolution. Today I made this Icon green for two reason. First for the green organic movement and second green is the color in the alchemical process right before the blackness turns to gold. We are all in this great alchemical process now here on Earth where our collect unconsciousness needs to change to protect the Earth for the generations to come
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