Where the Mushrooms Grow
Is your Garden Nature Spirit Friendly? Many people talk to their plants, but are you listening to your plants? One sign that the fairy folk are happy in your garden there will be mushrooms. Now, this is not some fairytale! Where the mushrooms grow, the compost is just right.
Mushrooms grow in rich composted soil. Folklore tells us, " Where the mushrooms grow, the land is at peace." Yet, if we look deeper into Nature's Mirror,the Way of Composting is essential. Life has those manure filled experiences that are just part of the human condition. When we learn to compost those experiences by letting go, changing our attitudes, and forgiving is when we can process our negative conditioning. We can cultivate our experiences for soul growth. We can start by composting our green garbage back into the soil and learn through this simple organic process. It is an inside-outside job to be a soul gardener, and nothing is wasted.
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