Green Saints Saint Anthony


I have always loved St. Anthony many people know him for being the Saint of lost and found.  I have found with working with Novenas daily that from the large Assemble of Saints St. Anthony and also St. Joseph have become my household handy men because they are easily available. My prayers never go un-answered for long. 

The last year of St. Anthony's life he lived in a walnut tree outside of the town of Padova. It is said he did all his teachings from the branches of the tree.  He also was known to preach to schools of fish if people were not listening. When he began his ministry he spoke to crowds of people at the seashore. All of these events inspired me to write a Novena to St. Anthony just repeat this prayer for nine days in a row.

St.Antonio of Padova Novena

St. Antonio of Padova when those who did not listen to your sermon you preached to the fish in the sea. When I am not understood bring me to Nature to understand myself.

St. Antonio of Padova you had a vision of the Christ Child within your arms. Bring me to the tender inner heart where Baby Jesus can be found.

St. Antonio of Padova it is said you lived in a tree the last year of your life, taking refuge in the strength of a towering walnut tree. You taught all those who came to you from its branches. Let God's teaching be rooted in my heart and my soul, that I can spread my branches to bring comfort, strength and healing to those who come to me.

St. Antonio of Padova you are so available to help find what ever has been lost. Humanity has lost its way. Open the Green Pathways for us to heal our relationship with with Nature and with each other. Amen

Would like to learn Novenas  Link to my new book "Novena's for Now


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