From a Nun to a Queen
We definitely have been wading through the Middle Ages tracing my blood lineage. There are times that it feels like we have opened Pandora’s box filled with a cast of characters both good, bad or questionable. Matt began to research my blood lineage from Huge Capet into Hugh the Great that travels through the lineage into a few Kings of Italy that leads us to King Charlemagne. This lineage was difficult to unravel and it has taken about 48 hours to sort it out, which I will talk more about at a later time after I have fully processed the material. Yet last night between my dream world and lucid dreaming I heard the name Matilda. It was at the breakfast table that I began to convey to Matt my dream. I opened up an old book from 1855, (The Queens of England.) This book was gifted to me from a friend that I had done some ancestral healing on her lineage, which just so happened to come from King Charlemagne. The book binding was falling apart so I took it to an old school book binder that fixed it right up. It’s one of my few treasures on the material plane. So I open up the book and the first chapter is about Queen Matilda, also known as Good Queen Maude. She was the Queen of Henry I which makes her one of my ancestral grandmothers. Matilda the Good was her title as a princess of Scotland. She was one of the royal kids of King Malcolm and Queen Margaret of Scotland. Yet after the death of her Mother and Father the throne fell into the hands of Malcolm Canmore a dubious character who also was a half brother placed Matilda and her sister Mary in a convent under the care of her Aunt Lady Christina of Rumsey. Lady Christina was an old school nun insisting on Matilda wearing black cloth made of horse hair…nothing a well bred Princess would have in her wardrobe. It was said that as soon as the Mother Superior was out of sight Matilda would tear off the black veil and proceed to stomp on it, a girl after my own heart. Horses are meant to ride, not wear I say! And even though the dreary convent walls held Matilda captive for seven years it was better than the outside world with the wild Norman Nobles stealing her away for their own devices..What should a girl do? …A few more stomps on that horse hair veil might have been the only therapy at the time she had. Yet, in-spite all of that she became well educated in music, song, reading, writing and she became holy, wise and extremely good looking they say. In the meantime the common people of England were over taxed and had little rights under the Red King William Rufus. Providence steps in when Rufus dies by an arrow in a hunting accident. Some may say it was not an accident because Rufus was not well liked and God forbids he didn’t have children. His brother Henry steps in to position and rights the wrongs of the land and sets in place laws that are more people friendly. Henry now needs a suitable wife and behind the convent walls he requests from the Reverend Mother for the hand of Matilda. This did not go over so well with Aunt Christina she really felt the black horse hair veil for the Royal Virgin was Matilda's path. Yet Matilda had other thoughts. After proceedings with the ArchBishop, that also was well documented, everyone realized the religious vocation was more of Matilda's Mother Superior than her wishes or her deceased parents. All in all Matilda married Henry . The couple went on to bring constitutional blessings which later became the model of the Magna Charta. Matilda was a peacemaker. The Royal Couple made reforms creating better laws that ensured the rights of the people.
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