Dreamtime at Rennes-le Chateau

Before I begin the dream download I had last night about Rennes-le-Chateau I want to say that archetypes are doorways of perception and can be very different according to the individual who is experiencing the archetype for it is always colored by the limitation of the individual consciousness. Many archetypes need to be updated as humans evolve from dualism into a view of Oneness. Archetypes are pointers along our path, they are not the end all, just markers along the way.
Dream Time November 15th wee hours of the morning - I find myself at the Holy Water font of Rennes-le-Chateau looking at this Devil holding the water font on his shoulders. There are Four Angels above him. Who is this horn creature? What is he even doing in a Church let alone holding the Holy Water font? He is Asmodeus who was the son of Lilith. Lilith was Adam’s first wife who had a mind of her own and liked to be on top when having sex, this surely must have threatened Adam in some way, so Eve became Lilith's replacement. So here it is where it gets interesting: It is said that Asmodeus was the cause of preventing intercourse between newlyweds. You can read all about Asmodeus in the Book of Tobit. The Book of Tobit was not accepted in all forms of Christianity, however it is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The story in the book of Tobit introduces you Archangel Raphael. Raphael is considered "The Healing Angel" in the Gospel of John 5:1–4, referring to a pool of water called “Bethesdameans”, which the Healing Angel would be used to remove any infirmity in those who laid in the pool, thus associating Raphael with Healing Waters. Healing Water and Holy Water just might be a clue here, yet let us go on with the story, I would like to share with you how Archangel Raphael help Tobias to kill Asmodeus. “Archangel Raphael is also known to be the Protector of Travelers because he helped Tobias's only son cross the great desert. Let us refer back to Book of Tobit, it tells how Raphael played a significant role in being a matchmaker and a healer of broken hearts. Tobias was an older man who had lost his eyesight, and he needed his son, whose name was also Tobias, to cross the great desert to collect an old debt. Tobias prayed and asked Angel Raphael to protect his son, but Raphael did more than just that. He disguised himself as a fellow traveler named Azarias and journeyed with the young Tobias. Meanwhile, across the desert in the city of Medes, there was a young widow named Sara. Sara had seven different husbands, but each one died before their wedding night. It was said that a demon Asmodeus cursed Sara. Archangel Raphael suggested to Tobias that he should marry Sara. He further showed Tobias how to destroy the demon by continually praying for three days and making burnt offerings of a fish's heart and liver and a salve of the fish's gall that would cure blindness. Sara and Tobias were happily married, the demon was killed, and his elderly father was healed from his blindness. It was all part of a good day's work for an Archangel.This brings us back to the Four Angels above the Holy Water font representing the four Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel. Each Angel represents one of the four directions. Raphael the East, Michael the South, Gabriel the North and Uriel the West, yet this changes according to different traditions. So what does all this mean? Rennes-le-Chateau is the Chapel of Mary Magdalene and the first thing you are confronted with when you go through the door is this Holy Water Fount. And just maybe this Holy Water fountain is saying? The cure to get rid of the demon is parts of a fish. Christ symbol is the fish. Tobias used the heart,liver and galls of the fish. It was the galls that cured his father's blindness. The strange Holy Water font maybe be encoded with the message the dogma of the Catholic Church is keeping Mary Magdalene from her husband, Jesus. And maybe it is the time to take off the blinders of out worn dogmas. It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
The Blue Apples Pommes Bleues that appear on the walls of the Church of Renne-le Château on January 17th. Both St. Sulpice and St. Dagobert feast day is celebrated on January 17th. St Dagobert was the last Merovingian King of France; the whispers that the Merovingian Kings carried the Royal Bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ is an echo through the royal bloodlines of Europe for centuries.
It was a custom to marry off the Merovingian Princess into the different royal bloodlines of Europe because of this belief. St. Sulpice was the second Bishop of Bourges and the Church of St. Sulpice is dedicated to him. The obelisk that is housed in St. Sulpice is in perfect alignment with the zero meridian of Renne Les Bains, the Bath of the Queen, not far from Rennes-le-Chateau. Merovingian Princesses become Queens in the Royal Courts of Europe. There are also two fresh springs in Renne Les Bain, one source is dedicated to the Goddess Isis and the second dedicated to Mary Magdalene. It is under the veils of the Black Madonnas of France and Europe you will find the Goddess Isis. Dreamtime: The Blue Apples are Eve’s Apple that have become spiritualized into Sacred Sex.” This may just be a whispers of White tantra (no hands tantra) practiced in the Courts of Love of the Troubadours. The Courts of Love was started by Eleanor of Aquitaine in the South of France back in the 12th century. Eleanor was also of the Merovingian Bloodline. History calls her the Grandmother of Europe who served as a Queen to both France and England. There were rules and codes in the Courts of Love dictated by the Ladies of the Court. But I feel something much deeper and hidden was taking place. Magadla’s Tower also found on the grounds of Rennes-le-Chateau meaning it is connected to Magdalene’s name. Magdala means “Watch Tower.” When one rises in Awareness to Higher Consciousness and obtains the Spiritual View of Witnessing rather than reacting to his “play we call life.” This is when duality has been transformed and seen through the Lens of One Eye.
A golden relief of Mary Magdalene you find bottom of the altar in Rennes-le-Chateau. She is in contemplation of the skull. Magdalene lived on after Christ death. And maybe this contemplation has a deeper spiritual meaning than what meets the eye. Rather than death of the body it is the death of the ego Mary was contemplating. She became a willing vessel that was filled with the Presence of God or in Buddhist terms a hollow reed that the Spirit can work through. Mary Magdalene while still in the body became that Willing Vessel for the Christ teachings to be carried on. What a different place this world would be if this is true? Christ being married. Mary Magdalene a Holy Woman no less, who carried on Christ's work. How would the Catholic Church look if they saw them as married? And Women as Spiritual Teachers? We have come a long way baby, yet we still far behind. A Willing Vessel does not make one perfect. One still has to work through their personal programs, their cultural programs. A Willing Vessel is not filled with dogmas that separate religions, countries, and cultures. Magdalene lived on after Christ and become the Vessel for Christ work to take place in a female form. They understood and view the world through the Lens of Oneness. It is in those moments of true Spiritual Awakening all transgressions are forgiven, all sins become the burning ground of soul transformation of Union with all of Nature and our Fellow Human Race. It is Love that creates the Seamless Garment that we weave through our own personal transformation of our patterns and conscious awakening process. This is when every knee shall bend and every head shall bow and we will view Heaven on Earth as One.
Ave Maria Eve's Apple becomes the Blue Apples that are transformed into Sacred Sexuality Magdalene is the Beloved of Christ.


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