Our Lady Guadalupe Feast Day December 12

Guadalupe is another aspect of the Environmental Madonnas because her apparition manifested in Mexico, where the Temple of Tonantzin, an Aztec Earth Goddess, once stood. It was December 9 in the year 1531 when Juan Diego, an Aztec Indian, had his first visitation of Guadalupe. He saw a great light glowing on the Hill of Tepeyac. When he came to the light, he saw a beautiful Lady whose mantle was made of stars. Sacred gliffs were woven into the fabric of her gown. She had the appearance of a young Indian Maiden, like his own people, with golden-brown skin. She requested him to build a church on the spot of the apparition. She appeared to Juan Diego several times. It was his last visitation that Guadalupe instructed Juan Diego to gather roses that were growing in frozen ground, which he placed in his tilma, "cloak." After several visits to a bishop and a miraculous miracle, the bishop finally consented to build a church on the spot of the apparition. When Juan Diego presented the roses to the bishop, held in his tilma, Guadalupe's image was imprinted on his cloak. Our Lady Guadalupe is known as "The Queen of Mexico" and "The Patroness of the Americas." It was widespread for the Catholic Church, at that time, to blend the Ancient Pagan Goddesses of the conquered people under the Mantle of Mary, the Mother of Christ. For this very reason, many fundamental Christians look down upon this practice as not being Christian. However, when we look back into the history and roots of all ancient religions, we realize as one great empire falls, the next civilization builds upon the customs and beliefs of the past. It is when religion removes the merciful aspects of the Mother that society falls out of balance. The Great Father, representing the "Infinite Light”, is found in all things and is not concerned with form. The Great Mother is the form of Matter that the Infinite Light has embodied. It is through this balance that the Earth is seen as Sacred. All of life becomes Sacred, and Nature is honored. It is only through this balance and not rejecting either the form or matter that the world will be healed. Many years ago, I meet a Native Indian of Mexico, and he gave me these words; "Our Lady Guadalupe is known as the ancient Goddess Tonantzin to my Native People. Her name means "Skirt of Stars”, and that skirt covers from the top of North America to the tip of South of America. She is the Great Mother of the Americas”. I have never forgotten his words. A parchment, known as "the Codex Escalada”, which dates back to the 16th century, refers to Juan Diego by his Aztec name written in the native language, “Nahuatl”. I have seen Guadalupe’s miracles and her Mercy in my own life, and it is only through the heart that she can be fully discovered. I would like to share one of Our Lady Guadalupe’s miracles that happen to one of my dear friends Ragna. I have known Ragna since she was 18 years old. Ragna’s partner, Rick, is a wine maker and he loves his vineyards. A few years back they bought land in Paradise, California. There Rick planted a beautiful vineyard. Ragna contacted me one day and I suggested she get a statue of Our Lady Guadalupe and make her a shrine in the vineyard. Now Ragna took this suggestion to heart and spent many weeks meticulously painting her statue a rainbow of colors. Guadalupe found her place in Rick’s wine vineyard. It was just a few years later that the devastating Paradise Fire swept through their area leaving behind only ash. Many people lost their home including Ragna and Rick, but somehow the statue in the vineyard was untouched. The fire even burnt Rick’s beloved grape vines. All of this did not stop either Ragna nor Rick as they both jumped in and began to help their community in spite of all their losses. Ragna, being a trained nurse, spent long hours helping the survivors of the fire with their health problems. Rick, having many different skills, went out with the Fire Department and began to survey the lands to help the city understand the extent of the damage. I consider them both as a Godmother and Godfather because of their selfless service to the community of Paradise. It was the next spring that Ragna sent me a photo of Guadalupe, still standing in the vineyard. All the grapevines that had been burnt bare were filled with brand new leaves. This is one of the many miracles of Guadalupe. The following is an old prayer I found that is used to bless a vineyard;
Blessing Over Vineyard We beseech Thee, Mighty God, to pour down Thy blessings on these young shoots which Thou has permitted to grow in the sun and the rain. Thou dost not cease to give many riches in the dew that falls from heaven, and the nourishment of the life in fertility of the Earth. Make the shoots grow heavy with fruit of the vine. Grant to Thy people that they may always give thanks to Thee for this gift, and fill those who thirst with Thy gift which the good Earth produces in fullness so that we may praise Thy glory through Christos the true vine. Amen. photo Guadalupe fire
Novena to Lady Guadalupe This simple novena honors the Earth and all living things found in Nature. The miraculous image of Lady Guadalupe on Juan Diego’s tilma has been deteriorating from the air pollution of Mexico City over the last decades. This novena can help us find our mission and our way through the maze of complexities we are all faced with in today's Environmental Crisis. Guadalupe of the fiery flame open our heart, Where there is no blame. Guadalupe of the watery wave, Cleanse our hearts so we can pray. Guadalupe of the healing clay heal us, And show us our way. Guadalupe of the four winds, Open our minds so we can mend. Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Guadalupe. Heal the gentle fabric of this Web of Life And may we remember those We have lost from the world of plant, animal, and fish. Have Mercy on The Mexican people Have Mercy on me. Amen. State your request: …………………………………………………………………. Say for nine days. Sealing the ninth repetition with three Hail Marys.


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