Joyous Mysteries of the Rosary

I learned the rosary at the age of seven. I re-learned rosary in a mystical tradition which had been taught by nuns in a convent to Ariel Farley. When I learned the mystical rosary from Ariel the practiced deepened for me. I will always remember Ariel saying when you say the first four beads of the rosary after making the sign of the cross is called the “ Invitation”. What you actually are doing is you are calling a band of Angels. She went on to say that each bead of the rosary was connected to an angel that carries your prayers. We would direct a prayer after saying each Hail Mary to a situation after reflecting on the mystery. When I began saying the rosary like this in group it took a long time, but as the prayers and intentions grew everyone would deepened. My teacher went on to say by the time you finished the entire rosary there is a whole legion of angels that arrive to serve you and carry your prayers. This was our meditation. Our intentions would be directed in alignment with each mystery.
The First Joyous Mystery is when the Angel Gabriel came down from Heaven and said “Hail Mary so Full of Grace the Lord is with thee” This mystery comes directly from the Angelic Kingdom and is the first sentence of the prayer “Hail Mary”. When you say your first Hail Mary you have connected yourself to the Angelic Kingdom through these words. Angel Gabriel came with the Holy Spirit and in that moment The Blessed Mother became pregnant with the Christ Child. This has been called the Immaculate Conception in the Church. But for one moment look at this mystery differently. Let us see that this mystery is about soul initiation . When we see that each person here on Earth has the opportunity to become pregnant with the Holy Spirit. Each one us can open ourselves to the Living Fire of the Spirit and become that empty vessel to become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. When saying this decade of the rosary direct your prayers to opening the door and become that empty vessel. Mediate on letting go of all those experiences that keep you from being just that. Allow your prayers to sink deeply into the Silence of the Sacred Heart, so the Christ Light can be born in you. This mystery aligns us with our Guardian Angels and opens us to the possibility of communion with the Angels, just as the Blessed Mother was aligned to Archangel Gabriel. There are nine choir of angels which are: Arch Angel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel, the Seraphim, the Cherubim , the Thrones, the Powers, the Virtues and the Principalities, all the Archangels and our own Guardian Angels.
Second Mystery Visitation***** The Visitation is that moment of Mary coming to visit Elizabeth and in seeing each other, their babies that filled their wombs jumped with joy. Elizabeth, like all good friends, totally can see who Mary is and immediately gives her recognition with her words “ Blessed art thou among all women and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb”, which is also the second line of the prayer “Hail Mary”. The first line of Hail Mary is the Angel Gabriels words to Mary at the Annunciation. The mystery of the Visitation can be directed through prayer in finding spiritual friendships, as Ariel, my rosary teacher, use to say. We all need to find our community when we are walking the Spiritual Path. The people who are wise, compassionate and get who we are. This is a great gift on the spiritual path. Yes, there are those times we need to walk alone and dig deeper into our own inner process to advance ahead, but we are human and we need companionship and support along the way. The Mystery of the Visitation is the deep connection of soul friendships. I have used this mystery for womb/heart healing. The womb of Mary was filled with the Healing Presence of Christ. It is in our womb heart that we find the Spirit of Christ. We also can pray for birthing mothers and even birthing new projects in the arts, writing, healing arts anything that you would like to birth in your life.
Mystery of Nativity Experience***** I moved on to the Mystery of the Nativity. It was in the space between my breath and my prayer that a vision occurred within me. I saw Baby Jesus within me, shinning brightly between my womb and solar plexus. He was a golden radiant light! I sighed for a moment. I fell into this sacred moment. Jesus was not completely bound in his swaddling clothes, but still was not fully free from his bindings. I thought to myself, “This is the state of my own inner child not completely free but in the process of discovering my freedom.” The inner child in all of us is the very Source of our inspiration our creativity. The vision continues, the Holy Family is near. The Nurturing Mother and the Gentle Father that leans on his staff and gives his family support. This is one of the most powerful archetypes in the Rosary to heal one’s self from the traumas that have happened in your own family lineage. We may ask ourselves what is the reason for so much family separation in today’s culture? We take this moment and look at ourselves, we look closely at our physiological issues that happened as children. There is a possibility, when working with this archetype of the Holy Family, that we can re-learn how to mother and father ourselves. We can learn to nurture and protect our inner child. The Mystery of the Nativity is a very powerful way to work within your own Sacred Heart. You allow yourself to become your own Loving Mother and your own Supportive Father. We re-parent ourselves to become the Illuminated Inner Child. When this happens, we have full access to our creativity and to our purpose in the world. Traditionally this mystery can be used for the healing of the family, children and relationships between husband and wife. We can be used for prayers for the children being born into the world. That children have the strong support of both of their parents. You can also meditate on the humble shepards that are the first visitors that arrive to welcomd the Baby Jesus and the Wise Men that followed the star and bought gifts.
Note***** “May the Radiant Baby Jesus find a room your Inn, "Inner Heart." May we nurture that Inner Child. May we support our own Inner Child with Unconditional Love. May that Unconditional Love be extended towards our Earthly Mother and Father, No matter what took place, No matter what happened!“ Visualization Meditation: Remember that no matter what took place in this incarnation you have been given the greatest gift from your parents and that gift is your Life. It is on this ground that we can re-establish the love in our hearts for our physical parents. It is on this ground that we can mend the broken parts in our lineage that we’re not understood by our parents, or grand parents or their great great grand parents. We heal our ancestors though establishing that Love in our Blood-lineage. We view the parts in our lineage where the Love Flow was broken. When we see this clearly and with an open heart, we can slowly and gentle return the karmic patterns that we have carried for our parents and our ancestors. We gently place those patterns at their feet . We return these burdens and gently say “As a child, out of my love for you, I took on your fate. This fate has grown too heavy for me to carry. I no longer can carry the fate of my lineage. I do this out of love for myself, without cutting off my love for you, my parents and ancestors. I allow the Love Now to flow back into my lineage where it has been broken. I honor my parents and my lineage, for they have given me this precious gift of life. Then you can ask from your Ancestors “Please give me your blessings (And if you have children or grandchildren) and see that the Ancestral Blessing flows to them also”. It is done. Ask your ancestors leave your field. Breathe and gentle return to seeing the Holy Family in your Inner Heart, fully loved and accepted. The Visualization Meditation has been inspired by Burt Hellinger's Family Constellation work but is not associated with his work.
The Fourth Mystery Presentation in the Temple******Traditionally it is when Mary and Joseph presented baby Jesus to be Blessed at the Temple.....This mystery you can present yourself at the Temple Door of your own Sacred Heart to be dedicated to do the Spiritual Work. I personally like presenting the Spirit of Nature at the Mary's Temple to be healed....sometimes I go on and on between Hail Mary's presenting the mountains....trees, oceans, and the different elemental kingdoms. Yet you can also present people, and situation in the world that need that Healing....The possibilities are endless.
The Fifth Mystery Christ Teaching in the Temple*****You might remember that the Holy Family disappeared for several years after the Nativity and took the flight to Egypt. The first recorded event that took place after these disappearing years was Jesus at the age of became separated from his family and they found him teaching in the temple. This mystery is about your own spiritual work in the world....Creating the right alignment with your Higher Self and your purpose of being in this incarnation at this point in time...If you already know your spiritual work you can just pray for a deeper understanding...or the right circumstance to bring your work into the world.....If you don't know your work just ask.....
Sacred Art by Raylenea Custom Made Rosaries and Chaplets**** Our Lady of Lady Laghet Chaplet French Medal of the Black Madonna of Laghet with crystal beads, mrytle wood bead and pilgrim's ring to wear on ones belt medieval style. silver plated wire 20 gage


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