The Fairy Godmother walked to the center of the Fairy ball. She noticed a group of gnomes dancing around an old oak tree. The oak tree had a face made up of knotholes and the grain of the bark. He seemed to be smiling as the gnomes merrily dancing around him. As the Fairy Godmother approached closer, the dancing suddenly stopped. One of the gnomes took off his hat and made a deep bow to the Fairy Godmother. “Welcome to Fairy Land. I am the King of the Gnomes. My subjects are all the spirits of the earth.” The Fairy Godmother chuckled to herself, there are sure a lot of queens and kings here. The Gnome king was dressed in a pointed red cap, with soft brown trousers reflecting the color of deep rich earth. His shirt was blue like the clear summer sky.. His hair was red like crackling fire. What the Fairy Godmother liked best about the Gnome King was that his eyes mischievously twinkled when he spoke to her. The Gnome King then continued, “The Wise Oak has lived for many rings.” He was referring to years, because when you look at the cross section of a tree you find rings, each ring represents one year. The Gnome King then continued, “The Wise Oak has lived through many long winters and seen many springs where the wildflowers have grown around his feet. He has been shade for those who rested under his branches on hot summer days. The Oak was shelter for the birds to build their nests in his limbs to raise their babies. But one of the most important things the Wise Oak gives to us is with his in-breath and his out-breath he cleans our air. You see, trees only breathe once a day but that one breath is very important to all of life. It cleans the air we all breathe.” “Ahhhhhhhh” said the little gnomes in the circle, breathing out with a sigh. The Gnome King then began to whisper a song into the Fairy Godmother’s ear. She began to sing what she heard.

'll tell you a story of a wise oak tree. I'll tell you a story, so listen to me.
I'll tell you a story, the earth is alive. I'll tell you a story of how to be wise. I'll tell you a story of fairies and gnomes. I'll tell you a story of hills they roam. I'll tell you a story of flowers so rare. I'll tell you a story of spirits of air. The Gnome King explained, “We, the Gnomes, are very helpful creatures for we are the builders in nature’s kingdom.
You can find my Book the Songs of the Fairy Godmother on by Raylene Abbott


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