Gardening as a Mirror Reflection.

Toxic waste is such a disgrace to place upon Mother Earth's beautiful face. Are you using pesticides or herbicides in your garden? Did you know that pesticides and herbicides were introduced during WWII as German warfare? as gas to kill Jews and the enemy? They were brought to the United States and introduced into agricultural farming methods. 

Our food has been poisoned. Our environment has become toxic. What does a soul gardener do? Turn it around, look at it upside down! It's a reflection, can't you see? It is soul toxins that live inside of you and me, hate, anger, and greed these human traits none of us need. Stop spraying those toxins we put on Earth. Toxic emotions collectively have gathered, clouding our view of what truly matters. Begin in your garden and look into yourself; A Grand Mirror is reflecting we all need to help.


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