Holy Compost

Holy Compost! Feeding the Earthworms has become a daily ritual for me. Please don't throw away those leaves that fall off the trees; mulch them in your garden beds. The worms love to munch on dead leaves, leaving their rich earth castings behind. But I have taken it one step further. I have gotten into the habit of separating my raw vegetable garbage and chopping it into small pieces. Then with my little shovel, I dig a small but deep hole deposit the veggies scraps. I cover it with dirt and then a pile of leaves. It has been my daily practice. After a couple of weeks, when I go back to an area I have composted, all the veggies have disappeared, leaving only rich soil. The Garden reflects your consciousness; let us look at what the Humble Earthworm has to teach us. The Earthworm is the alchemical laboratory of transforming garbage into black gold. The Earthworm is a humble creature; it is rarely noticed but quietly does it's work. The bigger question to ask yourself what is in my unconscious underground? What is needing transforming? Then like the humble Earthworm, you can go quietly about your work of sorting through those unconscious programming and digesting your life experience for transformation. It a humbling job to realize your ego should not be running the show. But it is necessary to do the inner work if you want to be ultimately happy. 


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