St. Melangell

St. Melangell was an Irish Princess that was promised to be married, rather than go along with 
her parent's wishes she fled to Wales and lived as a hermit for 15 years in a cave. She never saw a man in those 15 years, yet one day she was discovered by Prince Brochwel Yscythrog of Powys. He was hunting with his pack of hounds chasing wild rabbits. He discovered Melangell in a thicket where a rabbit had taken refuge in her lap. She was deep in prayer. The Prince was taken by this Holy Woman. 

He first offered his hand in marriage and that did not work for Melangell. So he offered a parcel of land which became her sanctuary for wild animals and people that were in need of sanctuary. She created a spiritual community of thirty seven women. Melangell sanctuary became a place of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages and is still sought out by pilgrims today.

Melangell died in the year of 590 and her feast day is May 27th. She is the Saints of rabbits and also animals. You may wonder how someone lived so long ago has any importance today. Yet what I have found researching the Saints that those who touched True Essences are still very available when you go on pilgrimage to their sacred sites or do their Novena or a Chaplet that invokes the Essences of that particular Saint. 

A Saints memory may have become enhanced with local legends, yet their Spiritual Essences does not die.  Many times when I am not able to go on pilgrimage I have found doing a Saint's practice will produce profound experiences when I ask for their spiritual help. 

Saints were not perfect they were very human like yourself yet they made great efforts to find their path to God. Also Saints of the past were influenced by the cultural programing and prejudices of their time. Yet beyond bad program and cultural prejudice they still managed to make a real connection to God. 

 The guilt and sin that so much influences Christianity has created a wall which turns people away from experiencing the richness of the Christian tradition.  The truth of the soul's process actually can be found reflected in Nature. If you observe how Nature recycles everything, all goes back into enriching the soil.  And the whole business about sin, judgements, and damnation has nothing to do with the Act of God. The Act of God is reflected in God's Creation, which is the Nature.  Even our darkest mistakes and our deep wounding can be become compost for our souls growth. Now, this might be a long process yet this is how evolution of humanity works.  

With all of this said I have been inspired to write about the Saints that lived with Nature and those who touched the True Essence of Christ. I have written prayers that honor their lives.  The phase that is repeated in this prayer has been used to invoke St Melangell for centuries.  Thus I give to you the Prayer of Saint Melangell.

Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil.

Princess Saint Melangell who fled to Wales giving up her crown for a cave in the woods.

 Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil.

You communed with Christ in a tree ring of ancient yew open

 our eyes and give us a spiritual view.

Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil.

One day a noble prince went hunting with his hounds and gave

 chase to a wild rabbit of the woods.

Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil.

The Holy Hare fled to a thicket in the bush and the hounds became silent. 

The wee rabbit took refuge in you lap.

Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil.

Deep in prayer the Prince did view a Heavenly Woman of the Chosen Few.  

Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil.

The hounds gently kneel by her side not harming the bunny because 

her prayers were sweet like honey.

Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil.

Repeat this prayer of the first bead.  Next you repeat:

Saint Melangell and one thousand Angels Triumphs over the forces of all evil. 


You can say this prayer for wild animals that need their natural environment protected. And for the health and well being of all animal and particularly rabbits. I like to use this practice to protect forest and wild areas so that animals have clean water, safe from fire and have plenty of food.


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