Saints in the Lineage
I have to say winter is not boring with Matt he is bringing the R.Abbotts out of the father being Jack R.Abbott himself. This morning was the discover of more Saints in the Lineage going further back into the French Kings. The Kings can be traced back to 20 B.C. with the help of my son Joshua Biggins. Yet, Matt has been going sideways to the female queens.
There you will find Queen St Clotilde and her son St Cloud...I lived outside of Paris for over a year in St Cloud...not knowing that I actually was living on The Holy Grounds where St Cloud feed and healed the poor.
St Clotilde , St. Genevieve the patron saint of Paris and St. Clotilde's husband King Clovis of France were the first cathedral builders of Paris under the direction of St Genevieve...and believe me King Clovis 465- 511, just might of needed a bit of direction since he like to go to war a lot.
Then we have St. Irmina and her sister St. Adela. They both were daughters of Saint King Dagobert II 675 the last of the Merovingian Kings. Dagobert was killed in the Forest of Woevre, just another power struggle in the day and life of a King. It was after Dagobert was killed that St. Irmina retreated into the convent and later was followed by her widowed sister St. Adela.
Going side ways into the Lineage of Louie de Gro (Louie the Fat) this why I sometimes get fat? He was the last king of my lineage because my grandfather was his second son...Pierre Prince of France De Courtney
Pierre's brother Louie the 7th got the kingship..which might not have been that great, since he married and Eleanor of Aquitaine born in 1122 known as one of the most Powerful Woman of the Middle Ages. She is the Muse of Rules of Courtly Love in France in the 12th century..And she owned more land than the King of France..She ended divorcing Louie the 7th and went across the channel to married Henry II of England who became King. Let us say she was complex....
Back to Prince Pierre 1125-1183 of my direct blood lineage..his son Pierre I, became the Emperor of Byzantine Empire...from there it goes into King Andrew II King of Hungary gave much of his riches to the poor. His daughter was St, Elizabeth who gave bread to the poor and had a miracle of bread turning into roses when she was caught smuggling bread out of the castle...For those of you who know can now understand why I am obsessed writing about saints and saying Hail Marys...Wild Laughter or all those loaves of bread during the Covid Lock down that I feed to the Homeless...This is really starting to get like twilight zone material. I can not claim the bread I have made has turned to roses yet....the lineage is filled with sinner and saints. I do not want to forget St. Genebald the Duke von Eastern Franks..he was married, yet later was made bishop leaving his wife...but even after taking his vows he could stop sleeping with his wife and made two more children...Finally for breaking his vows his superiors locked him in a tower for seven years..Yet an Angel came to him and unlocked the door and said all is forgiven...Not until the Angel went to his superiors saying you should free Genebald.. he was willing to leave the tower...Thus to have sex or not to have sex that is the questions...And the Angels really didn't care..
Photo of St. Clotilde Queen of France
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